rs_gl.cpp File Reference

#include "renderstack/rs_gl.h"
#include "renderstack/rs_log.h"

Go to the source code of this file.




void rs_log_gl_function (char const *a)
RS_BEGIN_EXTERN_C void rs_check_error (void)
const char * rs_gl_enum_string (GLenum e)
void rs_gl_array_element (GLint i)
void rs_gl_bind_texture (GLenum target, GLuint texture)
void rs_gl_blend_func (GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor)
void rs_gl_clear (GLbitfield mask)
void rs_gl_clear_color (GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha)
void rs_gl_clear_depth (GLclampd depth)
void rs_gl_clear_stencil (GLint s)
void rs_gl_color_mask (GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha)
void rs_gl_copy_tex_image_1d (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalFormat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLint border)
void rs_gl_copy_tex_image_2d (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalFormat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border)
void rs_gl_copy_tex_sub_image_1d (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width)
void rs_gl_copy_tex_sub_image_2d (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)
void rs_gl_cull_face (GLenum mode)
void rs_gl_delete_textures (GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures)
void rs_gl_depth_func (GLenum func)
void rs_gl_depth_mask (GLboolean flag)
void rs_gl_depth_range (GLclampd zNear, GLclampd zFar)
void rs_gl_disable (GLenum cap)
void rs_gl_draw_arrays (GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count)
void rs_gl_draw_buffer (GLenum mode)
void rs_gl_draw_elements (GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices)
void rs_gl_enable (GLenum cap)
void rs_gl_finish (void)
void rs_gl_flush (void)
void rs_gl_front_face (GLenum mode)
void rs_gl_gen_textures (GLsizei n, GLuint *textures)
void rs_gl_get_boolean_v (GLenum pname, GLboolean *params)
void rs_gl_get_double_v (GLenum pname, GLdouble *params)
GLenum rs_gl_get_error (void)
void rs_gl_get_float_v (GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)
void rs_gl_get_integer_v (GLenum pname, GLint *params)
void rs_gl_get_pointer_v (GLenum pname, GLvoid **params)
const GLubyte * rs_gl_get_string (GLenum name)
void rs_gl_get_tex_env_fv (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)
void rs_gl_get_tex_env_iv (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)
void rs_gl_get_tex_image (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels)
void rs_gl_get_tex_level_parameter_fv (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)
void rs_gl_get_tex_level_parameter_iv (GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLint *params)
void rs_gl_get_tex_parameter_fv (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params)
void rs_gl_get_tex_parameter_iv (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params)
void rs_gl_hint (GLenum target, GLenum mode)
GLboolean rs_gl_is_enabled (GLenum cap)
GLboolean rs_gl_is_texture (GLuint texture)
void rs_gl_line_width (GLfloat width)
void rs_gl_logic_op (GLenum opcode)
void rs_gl_pixel_store_f (GLenum pname, GLfloat param)
void rs_gl_pixel_store_i (GLenum pname, GLint param)
void rs_gl_pixel_transfer_f (GLenum pname, GLfloat param)
void rs_gl_pixel_transfer_i (GLenum pname, GLint param)
void rs_gl_point_size (GLfloat size)
void rs_gl_polygon_mode (GLenum face, GLenum mode)
void rs_gl_polygon_offset (GLfloat factor, GLfloat units)
void rs_gl_read_buffer (GLenum mode)
void rs_gl_read_pixels (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels)
void rs_gl_scissor (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)
void rs_gl_stencil_func (GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask)
void rs_gl_stencil_mask (GLuint mask)
void rs_gl_stencil_op (GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass)
void rs_gl_tex_env_f (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param)
void rs_gl_tex_env_fv (GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)
void rs_gl_tex_env_i (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param)
void rs_gl_tex_env_iv (GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)
void rs_gl_tex_image_1d (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)
void rs_gl_tex_image_2d (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)
void rs_gl_tex_parameter_f (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param)
void rs_gl_tex_parameter_fv (GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)
void rs_gl_tex_parameter_i (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param)
void rs_gl_tex_parameter_iv (GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params)
void rs_gl_tex_sub_image_1d (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLsizei width, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)
void rs_gl_tex_sub_image_2d (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)
void rs_gl_viewport (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)
void rs_gl_blend_color (GLclampf a, GLclampf b, GLclampf c, GLclampf d)
void rs_gl_blend_equation (GLenum a)
void rs_gl_draw_range_elements (GLenum a, GLuint b, GLuint c, GLsizei d, GLenum e, const GLvoid *f)
void rs_gl_tex_image_3d (GLenum a, GLint b, GLint c, GLsizei d, GLsizei e, GLsizei f, GLint g, GLenum h, GLenum i, const GLvoid *j)
void rs_gl_tex_sub_image_3d (GLenum a, GLint b, GLint c, GLint d, GLint e, GLsizei f, GLsizei g, GLsizei h, GLenum i, GLenum j, const GLvoid *k)
void rs_gl_copy_tex_sub_image_3d (GLenum a, GLint b, GLint c, GLint d, GLint e, GLint f, GLint g, GLsizei h, GLsizei i)
void rs_gl_active_texture (GLenum a)
void rs_gl_sample_coverage (GLclampf a, GLboolean b)
void rs_gl_compressed_tex_image_3d (GLenum a, GLint b, GLenum c, GLsizei d, GLsizei e, GLsizei f, GLint g, GLsizei h, const GLvoid *i)
void rs_gl_compressed_tex_image_2d (GLenum a, GLint b, GLenum c, GLsizei d, GLsizei e, GLint f, GLsizei g, const GLvoid *h)
void rs_gl_compressed_tex_image_1d (GLenum a, GLint b, GLenum c, GLsizei d, GLint e, GLsizei f, const GLvoid *g)
void rs_gl_compressed_tex_sub_image_3d (GLenum a, GLint b, GLint c, GLint d, GLint e, GLsizei f, GLsizei g, GLsizei h, GLenum i, GLsizei j, const GLvoid *k)
void rs_gl_compressed_tex_sub_image_2d (GLenum a, GLint b, GLint c, GLint d, GLsizei e, GLsizei f, GLenum g, GLsizei h, const GLvoid *i)
void rs_gl_compressed_tex_sub_image_1d (GLenum a, GLint b, GLint c, GLsizei d, GLenum e, GLsizei f, const GLvoid *g)
void rs_gl_get_compressed_tex_image (GLenum a, GLint b, GLvoid *c)
void rs_gl_blend_func_separate (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLenum c, GLenum d)
void rs_gl_multi_draw_arrays (GLenum a, GLint *b, GLsizei *c, GLsizei d)
void rs_gl_multi_draw_elements (GLenum a, const GLsizei *b, GLenum c, const GLvoid **d, GLsizei e)
void rs_gl_point_parameter_f (GLenum a, GLfloat b)
void rs_gl_point_parameter_fv (GLenum a, const GLfloat *b)
void rs_gl_point_parameter_i (GLenum a, GLint b)
void rs_gl_point_parameter_iv (GLenum a, const GLint *b)
void rs_gl_gen_queries (GLsizei a, GLuint *b)
void rs_gl_delete_queries (GLsizei a, const GLuint *b)
GLboolean rs_gl_is_query (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_begin_query (GLenum a, GLuint b)
void rs_gl_end_query (GLenum a)
void rs_gl_get_query_iv (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLint *c)
void rs_gl_get_query_object_iv (GLuint a, GLenum b, GLint *c)
void rs_gl_get_query_object_uiv (GLuint a, GLenum b, GLuint *c)
void rs_gl_bind_buffer (GLenum a, GLuint b)
void rs_gl_delete_buffers (GLsizei a, const GLuint *b)
void rs_gl_gen_buffers (GLsizei a, GLuint *b)
GLboolean rs_gl_is_buffer (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_buffer_data (GLenum a, GLsizeiptr b, const GLvoid *c, GLenum d)
void rs_gl_buffer_sub_data (GLenum a, GLintptr b, GLsizeiptr c, const GLvoid *d)
void rs_gl_get_buffer_sub_data (GLenum a, GLintptr b, GLsizeiptr c, GLvoid *d)
GLvoid * rs_gl_map_buffer (GLenum a, GLenum b)
GLboolean rs_gl_unmap_buffer (GLenum)
void rs_gl_get_buffer_parameter_iv (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLint *c)
void rs_gl_get_buffer_pointer_v (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLvoid **c)
void rs_gl_blend_equation_separate (GLenum a, GLenum b)
void rs_gl_draw_buffers (GLsizei a, const GLenum *b)
void rs_gl_stencil_op_separate (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLenum c, GLenum d)
void rs_gl_stencil_func_Separate (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLint c, GLuint d)
void rs_gl_stencil_mask_separate (GLenum a, GLuint b)
void rs_gl_attach_shader (GLuint a, GLuint b)
void rs_gl_bind_attrib_location (GLuint a, GLuint b, const GLchar *c)
void rs_gl_compile_shader (GLuint a)
GLuint rs_gl_create_program (void)
GLuint rs_gl_create_shader (GLenum a)
void rs_gl_delete_program (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_delete_shader (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_detach_shader (GLuint a, GLuint b)
void rs_gl_disable_vertex_attrib_array (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_enable_vertex_attrib_array (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_get_active_attrib (GLuint a, GLuint b, GLsizei c, GLsizei *d, GLint *e, GLenum *f, GLchar *g)
void rs_gl_get_active_uniform (GLuint a, GLuint b, GLsizei c, GLsizei *d, GLint *e, GLenum *f, GLchar *g)
void rs_gl_get_attached_shaders (GLuint a, GLsizei b, GLsizei *c, GLuint *d)
GLint rs_gl_get_attrib_location (GLuint a, const GLchar *b)
void rs_gl_get_program_iv (GLuint a, GLenum b, GLint *c)
void rs_gl_get_program_info_log (GLuint a, GLsizei b, GLsizei *c, GLchar *d)
void rs_gl_get_shader_iv (GLuint a, GLenum b, GLint *c)
void rs_gl_get_shader_info_log (GLuint a, GLsizei b, GLsizei *c, GLchar *d)
void rs_gl_get_shader_source (GLuint a, GLsizei b, GLsizei *c, GLchar *d)
GLint rs_gl_get_uniform_location (GLuint a, const GLchar *b)
void rs_gl_get_uniform_fv (GLuint a, GLint b, GLfloat *c)
void rs_gl_get_uniform_iv (GLuint a, GLint b, GLint *c)
void rs_gl_get_vertex_attrib_dv (GLuint a, GLenum b, GLdouble *c)
void rs_gl_get_vertex_attrib_fv (GLuint a, GLenum b, GLfloat *c)
void rs_gl_get_vertex_attrib_iv (GLuint a, GLenum b, GLint *c)
void rs_gl_get_vertex_attrib_pointer_v (GLuint a, GLenum b, GLvoid **c)
GLboolean rs_gl_is_program (GLuint a)
GLboolean rs_gl_is_shader (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_link_program (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_shader_source (GLuint a, GLsizei b, const GLchar **c, const GLint *d)
void rs_gl_use_program (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_uniform_1f (GLint a, GLfloat b)
void rs_gl_uniform_2f (GLint a, GLfloat b, GLfloat c)
void rs_gl_uniform_3f (GLint a, GLfloat b, GLfloat c, GLfloat d)
void rs_gl_uniform_4f (GLint a, GLfloat b, GLfloat c, GLfloat d, GLfloat e)
void rs_gl_uniform_1i (GLint a, GLint b)
void rs_gl_uniform_2i (GLint a, GLint b, GLint c)
void rs_gl_uniform_3i (GLint a, GLint b, GLint c, GLint d)
void rs_gl_uniform_4i (GLint a, GLint b, GLint c, GLint d, GLint e)
void rs_gl_uniform_1fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, const GLfloat *c)
void rs_gl_uniform_2fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, const GLfloat *c)
void rs_gl_uniform_3fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, const GLfloat *c)
void rs_gl_uniform_4fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, const GLfloat *c)
void rs_gl_uniform_1iv (GLint a, GLsizei b, const GLint *c)
void rs_gl_uniform_2iv (GLint a, GLsizei b, const GLint *c)
void rs_gl_uniform_3iv (GLint a, GLsizei b, const GLint *c)
void rs_gl_uniform_4iv (GLint a, GLsizei b, const GLint *c)
void rs_gl_uniform_matrix_2fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, GLboolean c, const GLfloat *d)
void rs_gl_uniform_matrix_3fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, GLboolean c, const GLfloat *d)
void rs_gl_uniform_matrix_4fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, GLboolean c, const GLfloat *d)
void rs_gl_validate_program (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_1d (GLuint a, GLdouble b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_1dv (GLuint a, const GLdouble *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_1f (GLuint a, GLfloat b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_1fv (GLuint a, const GLfloat *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_1s (GLuint a, GLshort b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_1sv (GLuint a, const GLshort *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_2d (GLuint a, GLdouble b, GLdouble c)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_2dv (GLuint a, const GLdouble *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_2f (GLuint a, GLfloat b, GLfloat c)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_2fv (GLuint a, const GLfloat *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_2s (GLuint a, GLshort b, GLshort c)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_2sv (GLuint a, const GLshort *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_3d (GLuint a, GLdouble b, GLdouble c, GLdouble d)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_3dv (GLuint a, const GLdouble *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_3f (GLuint a, GLfloat b, GLfloat c, GLfloat d)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_3fv (GLuint a, const GLfloat *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_3s (GLuint a, GLshort b, GLshort c, GLshort d)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_3sv (GLuint a, const GLshort *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4Nbv (GLuint a, const GLbyte *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4Niv (GLuint a, const GLint *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4Nsv (GLuint a, const GLshort *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4Nub (GLuint a, GLubyte b, GLubyte c, GLubyte d, GLubyte e)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4Nubv (GLuint a, const GLubyte *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4Nuiv (GLuint a, const GLuint *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4Nusv (GLuint a, const GLushort *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4bv (GLuint a, const GLbyte *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4d (GLuint a, GLdouble b, GLdouble c, GLdouble d, GLdouble e)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4dv (GLuint a, const GLdouble *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4f (GLuint a, GLfloat b, GLfloat c, GLfloat d, GLfloat e)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4fv (GLuint a, const GLfloat *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4iv (GLuint a, const GLint *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4s (GLuint a, GLshort b, GLshort c, GLshort d, GLshort e)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4sv (GLuint a, const GLshort *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4ubv (GLuint a, const GLubyte *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4uiv (GLuint a, const GLuint *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_4usv (GLuint a, const GLushort *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_pointer (GLuint a, GLint b, GLenum c, GLboolean d, GLsizei e, const GLvoid *f)
void rs_gl_uniform_matrix_2x3fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, GLboolean c, const GLfloat *d)
void rs_gl_uniform_matrix_3x2fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, GLboolean c, const GLfloat *d)
void rs_gl_niform_matrix_2x4fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, GLboolean c, const GLfloat *d)
void rs_gl_uniform_matrix_4x2fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, GLboolean c, const GLfloat *d)
void rs_gl_uniform_matrix_3x4fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, GLboolean c, const GLfloat *d)
void rs_gl_uniform_matrix_4x3fv (GLint a, GLsizei b, GLboolean c, const GLfloat *d)
void rs_gl_color_mask_i (GLuint a, GLboolean b, GLboolean c, GLboolean d, GLboolean e)
void rs_gl_get_boolean_i_v (GLenum a, GLuint b, GLboolean *c)
void rs_gl_get_integer_i_v (GLenum a, GLuint b, GLint *c)
void rs_gl_enable_i (GLenum a, GLuint b)
void rs_gl_disable_i (GLenum a, GLuint b)
GLboolean rs_gl_is_enabled_i (GLenum a, GLuint b)
void rs_gl_begin_transform_feedback (GLenum a)
void rs_gl_end_transform_feedback (void)
void rs_gl_bind_buffer_range (GLenum a, GLuint b, GLuint c, GLintptr d, GLsizeiptr e)
void rs_gl_bind_buffer_base (GLenum a, GLuint b, GLuint c)
void rs_gl_transform_feedback_varyings (GLuint a, GLsizei b, const GLchar **c, GLenum d)
void rs_gl_get_transform_feedback_varying (GLuint a, GLuint b, GLsizei c, GLsizei *d, GLsizei *e, GLenum *f, GLchar *g)
void rs_gl_clamp_color (GLenum a, GLenum b)
void rs_gl_begin_conditional_render (GLuint a, GLenum b)
void rs_gl_end_conditional_render (void)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i_pointer (GLuint a, GLint b, GLenum c, GLsizei d, const GLvoid *e)
void rs_gl_get_vertex_attrib_iiv (GLuint a, GLenum b, GLint *c)
void rs_gl_get_vertex_attrib_iuiv (GLuint a, GLenum b, GLuint *c)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i1i (GLuint a, GLint b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i2i (GLuint a, GLint b, GLint c)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i3i (GLuint a, GLint b, GLint c, GLint d)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i4i (GLuint a, GLint b, GLint c, GLint d, GLint e)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i1ui (GLuint a, GLuint b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i2ui (GLuint a, GLuint b, GLuint c)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i3ui (GLuint a, GLuint b, GLuint c, GLuint d)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i4ui (GLuint a, GLuint b, GLuint c, GLuint d, GLuint e)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i1iv (GLuint a, const GLint *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i2iv (GLuint a, const GLint *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i3iv (GLuint a, const GLint *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i4iv (GLuint a, const GLint *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i1uiv (GLuint a, const GLuint *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i2uiv (GLuint a, const GLuint *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i3uiv (GLuint a, const GLuint *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i4uiv (GLuint a, const GLuint *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i4bv (GLuint a, const GLbyte *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i4sv (GLuint a, const GLshort *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i4ubv (GLuint a, const GLubyte *b)
void rs_gl_vertex_attrib_i4usv (GLuint a, const GLushort *b)
void rs_gl_get_uniform_uiv (GLuint a, GLint b, GLuint *c)
void rs_gl_bind_frag_data_location (GLuint a, GLuint b, const GLchar *c)
GLint rs_gl_get_frag_data_location (GLuint a, const GLchar *b)
void rs_gl_uniform_1ui (GLint a, GLuint b)
void rs_gl_uniform_2ui (GLint a, GLuint b, GLuint c)
void rs_gl_uniform_3ui (GLint a, GLuint b, GLuint c, GLuint d)
void rs_gl_uniform_4ui (GLint a, GLuint b, GLuint c, GLuint d, GLuint e)
void rs_gl_uniform_1uiv (GLint a, GLsizei b, const GLuint *c)
void rs_gl_uniform_2uiv (GLint a, GLsizei b, const GLuint *c)
void rs_gl_uniform_3uiv (GLint a, GLsizei b, const GLuint *c)
void rs_gl_uniform_4uiv (GLint a, GLsizei b, const GLuint *c)
void rs_gl_tex_parameter_iiv (GLenum a, GLenum b, const GLint *c)
void rs_gl_tex_parameter_iuiv (GLenum a, GLenum b, const GLuint *c)
void rs_gl_get_tex_parameter_iiv (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLint *c)
void rs_gl_get_tex_parameter_iuiv (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLuint *c)
void rs_gl_clear_buffer_iv (GLenum a, GLint b, const GLint *c)
void rs_gl_clear_buffer_uiv (GLenum a, GLint b, const GLuint *c)
void rs_gl_clear_buffer_fv (GLenum a, GLint b, const GLfloat *c)
void rs_gl_clear_buffer_fi (GLenum a, GLint b, GLfloat c, GLint d)
const GLubyte * rs_gl_get_string_i (GLenum a, GLuint b)
void rs_gl_draw_arrays_instanced (GLenum a, GLint b, GLsizei c, GLsizei d)
void rs_gl_draw_elements_instanced (GLenum a, GLsizei b, GLenum c, const GLvoid *d, GLsizei e)
void rs_gl_tex_buffer (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLuint c)
void rs_gl_primitive_restart_index (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_get_integer_64i_v (GLenum a, GLuint b, GLint64 *c)
void rs_gl_get_buffer_parameter_i64v (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLint64 *c)
void rs_gl_program_parameter_i (GLuint a, GLenum b, GLint c)
void rs_gl_framebuffer_texture (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLuint c, GLint d)
void rs_gl_framebuffer_texture_face (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLuint c, GLint d, GLenum e)
GLboolean rs_gl_is_renderbuffer (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_bind_renderbuffer (GLenum a, GLuint b)
void rs_gl_delete_renderbuffers (GLsizei a, const GLuint *b)
void rs_gl_gen_renderbuffers (GLsizei a, GLuint *b)
void rs_gl_renderbuffer_storage (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLsizei c, GLsizei d)
void rs_gl_get_renderbuffer_parameter_iv (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLint *c)
GLboolean rs_gl_is_framebuffer (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_bind_framebuffer (GLenum a, GLuint b)
void rs_gl_delete_framebuffers (GLsizei a, const GLuint *b)
void rs_gl_gen_framebuffers (GLsizei, GLuint *)
GLenum rs_gl_check_framebuffer_status (GLenum a)
void rs_gl_framebuffer_rexture_1d (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLenum c, GLuint d, GLint e)
void rs_gl_framebuffer_texture_2d (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLenum c, GLuint d, GLint e)
void rs_gl_framebuffer_texture_3d (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLenum c, GLuint d, GLint e, GLint f)
void rs_gl_framebuffer_renderbuffer (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLenum c, GLuint d)
void rs_gl_get_framebuffer_attachment_parameter_iv (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLenum c, GLint *d)
void rs_gl_generate_mipmap (GLenum a)
void rs_gl_blit_framebuffer (GLint a, GLint b, GLint c, GLint d, GLint e, GLint f, GLint g, GLint h, GLbitfield i, GLenum j)
void rs_gl_renderbuffer_storage_multisample (GLenum a, GLsizei b, GLenum c, GLsizei d, GLsizei e)
void rs_gl_framebuffer_texture_layer (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLuint c, GLint d, GLint e)
GLvoid * rs_gl_map_buffer_range (GLenum a, GLintptr b, GLsizeiptr c, GLbitfield d)
void rs_gl_flush_mapped_buffer_range (GLenum a, GLintptr b, GLsizeiptr c)
void rs_gl_bind_vertex_array (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_delete_vertex_arrays (GLsizei a, const GLuint *b)
void rs_gl_gen_vertex_arrays (GLsizei a, GLuint *b)
GLboolean rs_gl_is_vertex_array (GLuint a)
void rs_gl_copy_buffer_sub_data (GLenum a, GLenum b, GLintptr c, GLintptr d, GLsizeiptr e)
void rs_gl_draw_elements_base_vertex (GLenum a, GLsizei b, GLenum c, const GLvoid *d, GLint e)
void rs_gl_draw_range_elements_base_vertex (GLenum a, GLuint b, GLuint c, GLsizei d, GLenum e, const GLvoid *f, GLint g)
void rs_gl_draw_elements_instanced_base_vertex (GLenum a, GLsizei b, GLenum c, const GLvoid *d, GLsizei e, GLint f)
void rs_gl_multi_draw_elements_base_vertex (GLenum a, const GLsizei *b, GLenum c, const GLvoid **d, GLsizei e, const GLint *f)
void rs_gl_provoking_vertex (GLenum a)
GLsync rs_gl_fence_sync (GLenum a, GLbitfield b)
GLboolean rs_gl_is_sync (GLsync a)
void rs_gl_delete_sync (GLsync a)
GLenum rs_gl_client_wait_sync (GLsync a, GLbitfield b, GLuint64 c)
void rs_gl_wait_sync (GLsync a, GLbitfield b, GLuint64 c)
void rs_gl_get_integer_64v (GLenum a, GLint64 *b)
void rs_gl_get_sync_iv (GLsync a, GLenum b, GLsizei c, GLsizei *d, GLint *e)
void rs_gl_tex_image_2d_multisample (GLenum a, GLsizei b, GLint c, GLsizei d, GLsizei e, GLboolean f)
void rs_gl_tex_image_3d_multisample (GLenum a, GLsizei b, GLint c, GLsizei d, GLsizei e, GLsizei f, GLboolean g)
void rs_gl_get_multisample_fv (GLenum a, GLuint b, GLfloat *c)
void rs_gl_sample_mask_i (GLuint a, GLbitfield b)

Detailed Description

Definition in file rs_gl.cpp.

Generated on Sun Apr 11 12:23:09 2010 for RenderStack by  doxygen 1.6.3