rs.h File Reference

#include "renderstack/rs_platform.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  rs_pointer
struct  rs_controller
struct  rs_context


#define RS_ASSERT(_expression)   if(!(_expression)){rs_application_fail("ASSERTION FAILED:" #_expression "\n file:" __FILE__ "\n");}
#define RS_PI   3.14159265358979323846f
#define RS_TWO_PI   (2.0f * RS_PI)
#define RS_HALF_PI   (0.5f * RS_PI)
#define RS_EPSILON   (0.00001f)
#define RS_NO_ERROR   0x1000
#define RS_INVALID_ENUM   0x1001
#define RS_INVALID_VALUE   0x1002
#define RS_INVALID_OPERATION   0x1003
#define RS_OUT_OF_MEMORY   0x1004
#define RS_NAME_LENGTH   128
#define RS_MIN(a, b)   ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
#define RS_MAX(a, b)   ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define RS_NEAR_ZERO(x)   (fabsf(x) <= RS_EPSILON)
#define RS_TOLERANCE(x, y)   (fabsf(x - y) <= RS_EPSILON * RS_MAX(1.0f, RS_MAX(fabsf(x), fabsf(y))))
#define RS_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP   0x0001
#define RS_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN   0x0002
#define RS_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT   0x0004
#define RS_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT   0x0008
#define RS_GAMEPAD_START   0x0010
#define RS_GAMEPAD_BACK   0x0020
#define RS_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB   0x0040
#define RS_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB   0x0080
#define RS_GAMEPAD_A   0x1000
#define RS_GAMEPAD_B   0x2000
#define RS_GAMEPAD_X   0x4000
#define RS_GAMEPAD_Y   0x8000


RS_BEGIN_EXTERN_C int rs_application_begin (void)
void rs_application_end (char *message)
void rs_application_update (void)
void rs_application_reshape (void)
void rs_application_fail (char *message)
struct rs_contextrs_context (void)
struct rs_pointerrs_pointer (void)

Detailed Description

Definition in file rs.h.

Generated on Sun Apr 11 12:23:09 2010 for RenderStack by  doxygen 1.6.3